“In your light I learn how to love.
In your beauty, how to make poems.
You dance inside my chest
where no-one sees you, but
sometimes I do, and
that sight becomes this art.”
― Rumi

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Yours insincerely

Rejoice rejoice dear acquaintances,
Passing fancies and friends of friends 
And all those one would really not
Want anywhere near one's death bed nor
Pose for pics on your wedding day or
Blow balloons on your sprog's birthday

What once would mean a limp handshake
A non-committal nod or a half-rictus
Is now writ bold in this great big tome, 
This scrapbook of social one-upmanship

For where else would you turn 
When you can't turn the page
Or stand face to face 
With that nameless face

Worry not friends (in the loosest sense)
Just post a 'like' on his Facebook page