“In your light I learn how to love.
In your beauty, how to make poems.
You dance inside my chest
where no-one sees you, but
sometimes I do, and
that sight becomes this art.”
― Rumi

Saturday, October 17, 2015


When you reach out 
from darkness and know
Whose fingers lace in yours 
No questions asked about 
where you lead them

When you pour out
the black ink in your soul
And watch it spread on
Pristine white
Not caring how 
it blots out the light

When you think not
To pull your punches 
Or blunt the glinting edge
of your words that draw
Angel blood with a whisper

When you see 
the Ugly in you
In the mirror only One can
hold up without 
turning to stone 
in the glare of
your medusa head

When you fly home
With wounded wings
dripping lifeblood
and try to heal
Selfishly feeding on 
Another soul, not knowing 
or caring how much
is to spare

And in the end
when you calm down
Having stifled sobs 
into her pink pyjama top with
The hugging grey teddies
You do feel better 
and it hurts a little less

But never can you forget
The echoing sorrow of the
Wide eyed little boy


In the hollow corridor as
Your lifeless words 
tumble out
Already turning to dust


Much like your efforts 
To save his father

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Crossing Jesus Green

A distant digger stencils 
the silence in the air
A hint of children's chatter
In the shy summer breeze
as I cross the green void 
Aiming for those 
trees in
regimental splendour
I savour my thoughts dipped in 
a dollop of silence
Waves of grass rippling around
My feet, much like water lapping those
Of that other son 
Famous for feats with feet
Among other things 

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Mundane Monday

Monday was bad.

Had a complication at work and the person ended up in a worse state after I treated him than before.

Another mountain of paperwork awaited silently judging my inefficiency but I didn't have the heart to deal with it after all that had happened.

Like a cat burglar or perhaps an assassin my migraine was creeping up on me - I could just see it out of the corner of my eye but felt helpless to stop its relentless advance.

It pounced as I drove home - nearly blinding me. Exquisite pain - if you were to sell it you would have stamped it 'export quality' and plumped the packet up with nitrogen. Such perfect unadulterated agony.

Somehow I crawled out of the car and went straight up to bed, catching her eye halfway up the stairs as she sat tucked up on the sofa with the kids draped across her legs.

I wanted her and then she was there and without a word she put my head in her lap and ran her fingers through my hair as I slipped in and out of a fitful sleep.

Hardly a best seller this mundane account of my ordinary life, but as my head eventually stopped trying to splinter and crack I remember thinking - to feel her love and her tenderness and the way she treats me like a wounded child, to feel this secure in someone's company - I would happily have an exploding head any day.

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Firework tree

On lazy days when Mother Nature feels rather arthritic and grumpy she lights some magic fireworks under tree roots and sneaks off, not waiting to see how they shoot up the trunks and explode in wondrous colours weighing the branches down with unbearable lightness - pink and white and deep deep red

Here's the firework tree I see out of my bedroom window 

Saturday, January 31, 2015

Winter morning

Grim and brooding and cold,
gnarled fingers raised 
to the heavens

stencilled painstakingly 
Every dark little twiglet
White on black

The proverbial silver lining?

Or perhaps the love child of
a wayward zebra

Thursday, January 22, 2015

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They burn with the fierce determination
Of those hell-bent on hell-fire termination

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Hunger gnaws on dark little feet
Juicy morsels of innocent meat
Tenderised in tenderness lite

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Hate flows magnificently
How useful this human(s)kill
This life-hack to hack those down
Who we do not like

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Birds fall out of the sky
Taking with them promises
Baptised unceremoniously
In the unfathomable depths of
This ever-shrinking world

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We judge in reckless abandon
All those we love ...
to hate
Secure in our inherent insecurity

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In the midst of all this selfishness
All this brand-new technology that pales
Before age-old human stupidity
You still shine – gentle and true
Now and forever more

Like Comment - sure
But you, I will never Share