“In your light I learn how to love.
In your beauty, how to make poems.
You dance inside my chest
where no-one sees you, but
sometimes I do, and
that sight becomes this art.”
― Rumi

Friday, February 09, 2007


crisp winter morning
my boots scrunch snow
like fresh apples underfoot

walking to work
the holly bush reminds me
of last year's Christmas cards

afternoon sun
a water droplet sparkles
clinging to my pipette tip

the tossed coin stops...
...in mid air
it has a long way to go
and it is all downhill


Deepak Krishnan said...

hey unni,

i had not checked out the period of the study. thanks for pointing it out!! and also for the inconsistencies in the conduct of the study

guess they are other points to be added to the 'control period' point.

sure, would love to hear about this from you


Deepak (The 'Pain' in Murali's Neck!!) Ask him why, he'll tell you...

Kubla Khan said...

discovered your blog, perhaps more than by chance.really good, especially the poems, including the haiku one.
keep up the good work.
writing is a sin, sometimes necessary.